It’s not unusual for me to miss people. I mean, I also miss food and places and certain other things, so of course I also miss people. But see, what makes it not so bothering and emotionally-draining is the fact that I’m a pro at not getting too down because of it coz I can just fill my time with activities to get my mind out of missing a certain mass of matter wandering around somewhere else, somewhere not here. There’s photography, and sports, and the never-ending list of movies and TV shows that I have yet to watch, and photo-processing backlogs, and friends to talk to and trade insults with, and friends in far away places that I need to catch up with, and well, there’s the sleeping that I seem to be missing out on for the past, I dunno, couple of weeks. And oh — I still have books I have yet to finish (so sorry Terry Goodkind, you don’t deserve my slacking).

With that said, why am I suddenly feeling so unusual?

The answer is one word — ***